Kevin Shelly: MarkLogic’s NoSQL Technology Addresses “Tsunami of Data” (WashingtonExec)

What new technologies can ingest and make sense of the tidal wave of data to come? Recently, Shelly offered his thoughts on the complicated intersection of data and new mission needs, and how MarkLogic, and its NoSQL Enterprise database, is stepping in to help solve some of the day’s most complex problems – and make the the world a safer place along the way. Shelly: “For the first time in decades, the industry has seen a disruption in the database market. If you look at relational databases – certainly they have evolved over time — but the relational model hasn’t changed; it’s the same as it was 40 years ago. While the relational model, which is suitable for structured data, hasn’t changed, the data has. There are advancements in storage, data analysis tools, and capability in the cloud. The key to harnessing big data is the database – in which it resides. Given that the data is coming at us in such volume and variety – that is why there is such interest in NoSQL databases.”…

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